A new entry can be entered at any time by tapping the plus button on the overview and entries pages.
Entering an amount is mandatory. Entries with an amount of 0 are not possible.
For each entry it can be determined whether it is an expense or income. A category can be selected as further information, which will help with later, more precise evaluation of the entries. Additional information can be entered using the note field.
Existing entries are displayed in the entries list. If an entry is tapped here, it will be opened for editing.
When editing an entry, the same information is available as when creating an new entry. The entry can also be deleted in this view.
In addition to one-time entries, automatic recurring entries can also be set up. If the recurring switch is activated, the recurring options can be set.
The period is used to set the intervals at which bookings are made. Here you can choose between daily, weekly, monthly and annual periods.
The next date can be used to control when the next entry should take place.
You can optionally choose an end date for the recurring.
When deleting an recurring entry, the recurring is retained and active as long as at least one associated entry still exists. Otherwise the recurring will also be deleted. Assumed an recurring entry "50 EUR dance course, monthly on January 1st." The corresponding entries were created for each month. The August course was canceled and nothing was paid in this month. The entry for August can then be deleted, but all other entries and the recurring will remain intact. The recurring would only be deleted once all entries for the dance course have been deleted.
If an recurring entry is editied, you can choose whether the changes made should only affect the current entry or all future entries as well.